Dynamic loading text doesn't work

I have a text field inside a movie clip. I load to it from the root with a global variable (_global.textin) the text i need to load. I trace the text and it shows in the trace everything that works fine, but the inside the dynamic field doesn’t change!.
any ideas?
here’s the script for the MC that holds the textfield:
[font=Courier new]onClipEvent (load){
var txtborder = false;
var txtborderColor = 0x000000;//borderColor;
var txtcolor = 0x712DF0;
var txtbackground = false;
var txtbackgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
//set attributes
with (this.textin)
textColor = txtcolor;
border = txtborder;
borderColor = txtborderColor;
background = txtbackground;
backgroundColor = txtbackgroundColor;
multiline = true;
wordWrap = false;
autoSize = true;

  trace (txtinput);// THIS WORKS FINE
  text = txtinput;//THIS DOESN'T
  selectable = false;
  var txtfmt = new TextFormat();
  txtfmt.size = 100;
  txtfmt.align = "center";

var text_arr = new Array(“Painter”,“Impressionist”);
_global.txtinput = text_arr[cur_texteffect];

Is textin the textfield instance name or variable name?
And do you have a mask over the textfield/movieclip?

DUDE! you are my hero for the day!!!.
thank you… I named both the variable AND the instance name textin.
Bloody hell… cranky.
Greetz :slight_smile:

I was going to say that it should be the instance name but i guess you found out by yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

YUP :wink:
Thanks a zillion… I can finally rest!!!

Anytime :wink: