Dynamic .mp3 player

Hey ive set out on a quest to make a completly dynamic .mp3 player in flash…

i need to …

  1. load in what mp3s to play from a txt file and put it in an array
  2. Display the available mp3s in a drop down box *
  3. once a music selection is chosen, show a loading bar of untill it is finished**
  4. have play pause stop rewind fastforward functionality ***
  5. wasent 4 enough??
  • or just make it so u can press buttons to loop thru selection next song , previous song and so on. and current song selection is showed in a dynamic text box, and the play button initiates download

** also gonna try to makit it so that the music file starts playing once enough has been loaded, that it will complete loading the sound before it gets to the point at which it is still loading (but that i think i can handle… having more troubel with the rest)

*** Were rewind and fastforward are unnecessary if its to hard…

any help on this would be greatly appreciated

Thanks =)

Have a look for Voetsjoeba’s mp3 player
