Dynamic object creation

ive read about this prob several places and cant seem to find an answer so here is what i got, i want to have a certain number of what im calling buttons but could be anything created dynamically here is how i did it,

public function tweener3():void{

for (var i=1;i<num_of_btns;i++){
test* = ["mc"+i];
x_pos += 150;
make_btns(test*, x_pos, y_pos, i);
}//end constructor

that works, then for the make_btns i wrote this

public function make_btns(names3, x_pos, y_pos, num)
var btns = new Array;
var names3 = new air2();
names3.x = x_pos;
names3.y =  y_pos;
names3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
names3.is_active = false;

And this works, then when you click i had to do a few work arounds to make only one move by testing target, but how would i go about knowing if any of the buttons are in the active state?

here is what i tried, but not working, i need a way to access the properties for the seperate buttons on the stage, but i have tried every which way of refrencing them,

function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void
trace (‘test1 is’ + test[1]);

var target_clip2:MovieClip = MovieClip(test[1]);
var stage_height = stage.stageHeight/2;
var target_clip:MovieClip = MovieClip(event.targe
if(target_clip.is_active == false){
target_clip.is_active = true;
Tweener.addTween(target_clip,{x:stage.stageWidth/2, y:stage.stageHeight/2, width:200, height:200, time:1});
target_clip.is_active = false;
Tweener.addTween(target_clip,{x:50, y:40, width:200, height:200, time:1}
does anyone know how i would do this? i can use mc1 mc2 … to get the properties, i would think i could but it might be because of how im using the
test* = [“mc”+i];
any ideas would be much appreciated thanks,