Hi, I’m new here
I’m trying to make three text boxes each inside its own movie.
Then I want them to each fade in… not at the same time… but like… movie one starts fading in… a few seconds later the second starts fading in.
I’ve been working this code around but I’m having trouble with it.
If I set it to embed fonts the text doesn’t display…
I also can’t make the dynamically stuff be set to an alpha property.
This is the code I’ve been working.
ButtonLabelText = new TextFormat();
ButtonLabelText.bold = false;
ButtonLabelText.color = 0x333333;
ButtonLabelText.font = “Verdana”;
ButtonLabelText.size = 9;
text_data = [‘Ben is the monkey boy riding the giraffe, sometimes he likes to straddle it and wear a giant sunbero.’, ‘Chris likes to convince people to grow bert renyolds style moustaches, I’m not sure why.’, ‘Jared is evil.’];
text_time = [‘1000’, ‘2000’, ‘3000’];
for (i=0; i<text_data.length; i++) {
//create mc & do stuff to it
root.createEmptyMovieClip("holder"+i, depth++);
root["holder"+i]._y = i30;
root["holder"+i]._alpha = 50;
fadeTime(text_time, root["holder"+i]);
//create the text fields
_root["holder_"+i].createTextField("field_"+i, depth++, 0, 0, 100, 200);
//make pretty
fields = _root["holder_"+i]["field_"+i];
fields.text = text_data*;
fields.multiline = true;
fields.border = true;
fields.autoSize = true;
fields.selectable = false;
fields.embedFonts = true;
fadeTime = function(when, mc){
mc._alpha = 0;
setInterval(fadeIn, when);
function fadeIn(){
if(mc_alpha < 100){
mc._alpha += 10;
fadeTime(75, _root.green);
fadeTime(75, _root.holder_1);