Dynamic Text field inside Button

Hey guys,

I could have sworn I did this before but now I can’t seem to get it to work.

I am loading some text from an xml file and I can get it to display within a dynamic text field. I need to create just a simple link that when you rollover it the text color changes.

I have tried to put the dynamic text field inside the but and set the up and down stated but i lose the text being loaded in dynamically. Here is what I am doing in a nutshell.

load my text from xml
I have a dynamic text field named d_Txt (if I leave this outside the button it works fine)
I have put the text field into a button named my_btn

then on the up state I have the d_txt with a specific color and then in the over state i have placed the d_txt field with a different color.

In theory I thought this should work, but it doesn’t. I have also tried place the dynamic text field inside a movie clip and then adding onRollOver and onRollOut to the movie clip to change the text but that doesn’t seem to work either.

Can anyone help me out? Thanks!