I have a text field that I’m populating with data from a text file when the movie clip loads. Here is the code I’m using, which I made after reviewing some of the online tutorials on this board (thanks!).
txtLoad = new LoadVars ();
txtLoad.onLoad = function (){
What this does is simply look at shows.txt, and load the shows variable into the text field. This works great, but it seems to be choking on the & character. Here is a snippet of my shows.txt file:
<FONT face=“verdana”>The Knitting Factory</FONT>
<FONT face=“verdana”>{Old Office}</FONT>
<FONT face=“verdana”>74 Leonard Street</FONT>
This works fine, but if I try to add certain html elements like or more importantly, a link that contains a ‘&’ in the querystring, it just stops loading the text, and cuts off wherever it finds the ‘&’. Can anyone figure a way around this? I need to be able to read this from an external file, and I can’t find a way to do it AND include & characters.