Dynamic text is ugly

I’m trying to use some dynamic text as a design element to my flash site. I’m just using Arial Black, but it will be in the size range of 16-36.
I really need this text to be smooth like regular, static text in flash. Is there a way to accomplish that?

have you tried if embedding the box would help?

properties/character/all characters

hmmm, now it doesn’t show up.


you sure you haven’t changed anything else?

well I clicked the character->All Characters button, but it wouldn’t show up after that.

I did a search. OMG A SEARCH. hahah. and found this from lostinbeta:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
Step 1) Import Font into Library (In the Library panel there is an icon in the far upper-right corner, click that then choose “New Font”)

Step 2) Right click on the imported font. Choose “Linkage” from the context menu. And then check the “Export for Actionscript”

Step 3) Where you are putting your actions, add [AS]textBoxInstanceName.embedFonts = true;[/AS]

that got my dynamic fonts to show up, nice and smooth.

just wanted to add, that embeding Arial Black only added about 16k to my swf.