Dynamic text showing up blurry

Ok. Im currently making very first all-flash site. Im running into all kinds of problems. First of all, I have this dynamic text box. Im using the font FFF Harmony from fontsforflash. The text in this box comes from an external text file. I embedded the font in my flash file. I THINK I did it right. Now heres the deal. BEFORE I embedded it, I would look at my site and the words would be very very crisp and easy to read. Now, after embedding, you will see that it looks blurrier than it should. Can anyone help?

p.s. Also, can someone point me to a tutorial on making a custom scroll bar for the dynamic text box… with a dragger in the middle, AND resizing automatically when the text file becomes bigger as I add to it?

Thanks and Thanks.


Well. The swf with the dynamic text field inside is being loaded into an empty clip. So it cant be resized. Also, this dynamic text field is the only one I have anywhere in EITHER swf, so its not that either :frowning: Also, both swfs are set to match movie.