Dynamic Text

In my movies i use dynamic text to make the fonts nice and crisp…

If i have dynamic text in a movie clip and alpha fade the movie clip the dynamic text doesnt fade.
Is there anyway i can get dynamic text to have an alpha effect on it?

Cheers :sleep:

You have to embed the font outline, which unfortunately causes your text to look the way it would as static text.

But if you want to do it, you can click on your text box, open up the properties panel and click on the button that says “Character…” And choose to embed the font outlines for all characters.

There is no other way around this.

Oh well, thanks for the prompt reply :slight_smile:

Skid :sleep:

No problem.

Sorry I can’t help more though :frowning:

Actually I know of one way…


The text is loaded into a dynamic text box.

Is this waht you wanna do?

I can think of one other way…

A block on a layer above that you fade out.

But that is just a hack… works though. Now that I think of it.

I got an idea, though it probably wont work… mask the text layer and at the appropriate time, fade the mask… it may work though i am not completely familiar with flash and definetly arent a master. just a thought

btw, hello im new here… sup


Welcome to the board mirage :slight_smile: I hope you enjoy it here.

Ok, now for the breakdown of your method.

You can only mask dynamic text if you embed the font outlines, which causes anti-aliasing. And you can’t fade out a mask, you have to fade the content behind the object unfortunately :frowning:

I can think of some possibilities with fading masks, but I guess we will just have to wait for Macromedia to develope and release it :slight_smile:

:beam: k

btw, everyone check out my counterstrike clan intro i worked so hard on for (3) hours!!!:stuck_out_tongue:



:cowboy: Mirage

That’s CS-licious, mirage. I like the music.

Here’s my (really) old CS clan intro movie thing. I can post the FLA if anybody wants to change it to their own clan (as long as I get credit for the animation plz).

|Own| Clan intro


!@#$% i like it alot. and where can i get that music thats at the end?! every has it xcept me!!! and its soo coool! if you can direct me to it that would be most appreciated.


:cowboy: Mirage

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**I can think of one other way…

A block on a layer above that you fade out.

But that is just a hack… works though. Now that I think of it. **

i just got another idea that sorta relates to this ^… if you had a solid color behind the text, then create a block of that color on a layer above the text covering the text. when you want the text to fade, instead… fade in the block above the text

if you have a complicated backround or an animated one, this wouldnt work too well, but generally you wouldnt have something too complicated behind text.

not sure if im just rewording what you said, lost, but maybe this would be easier to unerstand=)

:cowboy: Mirage

What you just said gives me an idea too. This is if you have a complex image in the background. You would make the dynamic text into a mask using the setMask() method (not sure if dyn. text can be turned into a mask, but hoping it can). Then, have the dyn. text mask an mc that contains an animation of let’s say solid white fading to the background. Then, all you do to fade out the text is run the animation of the white fading to the background (make sure the masked mc and the background align perfectly, of course). It would appear that the white text is fading out, but in fact, the white of the text is merely fading into what the background looks like. Then you can just set the text field’s _visible to false and it’s gone!

Another cool effect would be to have the movieclip with the copy of the background image be offset a little from the background. This would give the effect of the text (or any mask shape you like) cloaking. The effect would sort of be like how the alien in the movie “Predator” cloaks.


PS: That song at the end is the song from the lobby scene in “The Matrix”. It’s by Crystal Method, I believe.

cool idea, i like the cloak effect idea… though im not sure if text can become a mask without embedding the outline… ask lost, he would know:beam:

:cowboy: Mirage

here’s my rendition of fading dynamic text…

<embed src=“http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/skyymirage/sigflash/fadingdynamictext.swf” height=100 width=223>

Looks good to me. :slight_smile:

woah this threads got quite big!

Ive always done it the way you described Mirage, but i cant this time - i do have a faint complicated background, i had just wondered if there was a way via actionscript but theres not… Just have to wait for flash…7? heehee

Thanks for havin a go tho!


skid :crazy:

np man, gl<:}

:cowboy: Mirage