I am new to all of this and apologize for yet another one of these dynamic text q’s but I have searched the forums for help on dynamic text but haven’t found any on why my text is not even showing up in “crappy” Times NR! I’d like it to display in a pixel font (04b)
It shows up when I test the movie locally but when I transfer it to another machine - it shows nothing!
I have tried the character embed (All characters) and still nothin…
Any help? Lostinbeta? - You have addressed alot of these type queries - brother, can you help out a fellow delaware valley man? (I even hate the Cowboys AND Bucs!?)
Your location says london. Last I checked london was not in the Deleware Valley
Anywho… there are 2 problems with your situation.
04b fonts are Photoshop pixel fonts, and they get screwy in Flash (the holes in the e, d, b, etc letters get filled).
In order for other people to be able to see fonts they don’t have installed on their system you need to embed the font outline. Right click on your dynamic or input textbox (as these are the only types you can/need to do this for), open the properties panel, click on the button that says “Character…”, then choose to embed the font outlines. I usually do the option for all characters just to be safe, but if you know what you will be using at all times, then it would be more efficient to just use the letters/numbers/symbols you need.
Thanks for your quick reply. - Yes they even give nuts like me passports
I tried that - even tried changing it to a non-pixel font. Still doesn’t show.
Would you say I should have told you before that am using Flash MX on a mac and that the “other machine” I am trying to get it to work on is my PC laptop? I am well aware of the font differences but the embedded fonts (pixel or otherwise) work fine.
This creates all sorts of probs if it does depend on the original font data that way
I am so exasperated by all this - any other ideas?
Wait. Your chose to embed the font outline for your textfield and it still isn’t working? That’s not right, no matter what system you are on.
Are you sure you are checking that option for every textbox? The first time you do it, it imports the font into the movie when you publish and it tells that textbox to use the font that was imported, but the other textboxes will still not use it, so you have to go into all their properties and check the embed font outlines option to tell those textboxes that they need to use the imported font as well (no it doesn’t keep re-importing the font making your file bigger).
This is the only thing I can think of being wrong. Either that or your Flash is buggy
You’re not going to believe this (or maybe you R) - when I tested it from within an html page - and viewed using the browser (and not the standalone player) IT WORKED!
Seems that sometimes when I click .swf files they play and sometimes not. Whattabich…
I’ll see what happens with the whole shebang 'fore I unconfine ALL joy
thanks for your help still
Assuming you’ve done all the text embed stuff there’s no sure solution. Seems my problem had something to do with my player (it caches stuff somehow). you can get the player updater at macromedia site. Also try opening it from within a browser (where you have control of the cache) in stead of using the standalone player. If that doesn’t work - try another pixel font. If your on windows there seems to be more of a selection of free ones than on the sphackintosh.
mmm… after going thru a whole bunch of crap I’ve reached the obvious conclusion that the fonts fill in because their not actually pixel fonts to begin with… d’oh… thanx all.
Ooo-Eee! Sounds like they might be dodgy anyway - if you embed the character data any font should show up (as well as Flash can handle 'em small - that is!)
are some fonts just unable to be traced and embeded? I’ve got this font but, when I publish it always defaults back to a normal arial-like font. I’ve done all the embeding too.
I don’t know what is up with that artane… are you sure you aren’t setting the font as “device font” that will choose a system font that isn’t the font you used. Other than that I don’t know whats up.