Dynamic txt with html tags problem

Hi there, I need to dynamically load text into Flash. I have a .txt file named “01.txt” from which the text is loaded, in which the text opens with “myText=” followed by the regular text. In flash I have a dynamic text field “content_txt”. I got this script:

text = new LoadVars();
text.onLoad = function() {
content_txt.text = this.myText;


Now how do I enable html? I checked the “<>” button in the properties of the dynamic text field, but when I type html tags in the original txt file, Flash doesn’t pick up on it. Say, I type <b>hello</b> in the original text file to get ‘hello’ to be displayed bold, the text simply displays as “<b>hello</b>”. I have checked several tutorials, but I must be missing something… Any help appreciated!