Dynamically loaded HTML text alinement Problem

could you check a site I made: http://www.chrischild.com/ and see what I’m talking about? the problem appears on most main categories text. Looks like the text doesn’t align to the left and add the space between 2 words at the beginning of a line if the previous word stops right at the end of the previous line…
It’s text loaded from a loadvar as html text from external text file (cause the text changes all the time and need links sometimes…). I tried all kinds of HTML formatting within the text file as well as loading it as regular text instead of HTML but nothing does it.
I tried text.align = “left” to…
Dunno what else to do. Anyone has experience w/ HTML text formatting within Flash to share?

Not sure what your problem is here… loads quick and smooth on 56k for me. looks nice so far, all I see is you need to be more confident and put some bolder statements on your main…