Is there a way this can be done? Dynamically loading rich text.
It is called HTML enabled text.
myText = "< B >this is BOLD text< /B >"
myTextBox.html = truel
myTextBox.htmlText = myText
Just remove the spaces between the bold tags, I had to do that or the board would have converted it. This code goes on a frame, and the var name of your dynamic text box is “myTextBox”.
Sorry, I didn’t explain properly. I have a scroller that loads text dynamically but when I try to load it with HTML text I get the coding also. :q:
What is the code you are using to load your text?
Want to add to the one on the kirupa site. So that it can read html.
loadText = new loadVars();
//creating the loadVarsText function
loadText.onLoad = function() {
scroller.html = true;
scroller.htmlText = this.kirupatext;
Worked thanks, man!!! Real newbie could you tell. How do you learn something like that on your own? Thanks again.
No problem man
I read up on things in the AS Reference in the actions panel in MX.
Other things I learned from this forum by running searches using the white search button at the top of this forum, and if it can’t be found I post the question. And other things I learn from all the tutorials at kirupa.
Know anything about globally controlling sound with a volume slider.
Hrmmm, nope. I know there is something called setVolume :-\
Try this…
Cool, thanks for all your help.
No problem
Does the fact that I have set up the text file as HTML mean that I can link to URLs or MAILTOs from the text? Would this be done the same as any standard HTML page?
You can put a link as a standard HTML link… not sure about mailto: links, never tried.
Cool Thanks
Mailto seems to have worked.
hmm hello people, i did all the above things… but still no sigar …
none of my text is loading,
i made a dynamic text box with html on (<>)
this code:
loadText = new loadVars();
//creating the loadVarsText function
loadText.onLoad = function() {
scroller.html = true;
scroller.htmlText = this.personeeltext;
a text file in the folder data with the name personeel.txt
the text box is in a movie clip… can that be the problem?
hmm had my font set to futura, changed it to verdana and it worked…