Dynamically loaded swf

Hi…I’ve read the tutorials on dynamic loading of movies into a movie clip. So I got that, my question is this:
In the tut, it said to set the movie clip’s x/y to 0/0. why?? I just wondered the significance of the movie clip’s position.

Sorry, if this is incredibly easy.

When you load in a swf into a movieClip, the registration point of that movieClip is going to be where the top left hand corner of that SWF is going to appear. In that tutorial, they move the movieClip to 0,0 so that the SWF files that get loaded in appear over the existing movie. If, say, you moved that movieClip to the center of the stage, the top left corner of the loaded SWF would be in the center of the stage…give it a try, you’ll see what I mean…(-:

tanx a lot