Hey, I’m having some trouble with dynamically loading images. I just want to load one, plain and simple. Just… doesn’t seem to be working for me. Could someone make me an example of this and just have the image load onto a plain background?? Help on this would be much appreciated.
Do you mean an image loading from the server? An image from an array, xml array, activated by a button? There are just tons of tuts about this such as…
easily modifiable stuff.
Yeah, I just mean one that will sit in the same directory as the flash file and when I change the file, it changes what the flash file displays. I might be able to do it with one of those tutorials though. Thanks for the help, might need more though… heh.
I’m having the same problem. I want to be able to externally load a .jpg and I just can’t get it to work.
I can load .swf files in there fine. However, when I change the name of the file along with the extension, then run it, no error messages come up, but the .jpg image doesn’t appear!
Here’s the .fla to show what I’m talking about.
Just place an image called webcam.jpg in the same directory, it doesn’t matter what image it is, (at least i don’t think???)
Thanks in advance (really should make that my footer…)
I used a different .jpg and it worked just fine. However, I need it to work using a .jpg image like the one below. It’s an image taken by a webcam and uploaded to a server, and its regularly overwritten. I redownloaded it and used it because thats the image I would be using, (it would change over time actually…)
Nevermind! I fixed it… strange, I just switched out the .jpg image and it worked perfectly…
the image can’t be a progressive jpeg. that is problaby the problem that you are having