Dynamically loading text into an externally loaded movie

I’m trying to apply CSS to text that is loaded from an external text file. Now, it works fine when I play it in the movie file “current.swf”. Here is the code as it is-

var format = new TextField.StyleSheet();
var path = "jbcss.css";
format.onLoad = function(success) {
	if (success) {
		output.styleSheet = format;
		myLoadVar  = new  LoadVars ();
		myLoadVar.onLoad  =  function (success){ 
			if  (success  ==  true)  { 
				output.variable  =  "news"; 
	} else {
		output.text = "Error loading CSS file!";

Everything works great until I load “current.swf” into an empty movie clip called “contents” in my main movie timeline. When I play the main movie, I get “Error loading CSS file!”.

I’ve tried (what I feel has been) every targetting possibility to get this to work, with much frustration and no results. Any suggestions???