I’ve never bought anything off e-bay, but I’ve found some dvd’s at a price I can’t pass up. Only problem is that it’s from a guy/company in hong-kong. The description says that the dvd cases have chinese but the DVD’s have “original English spoken by the actors/actresses”.
Basically, I just don’t wanna buy $250 worth of DVD’s and have them have chinese subtitles on the bottom or scratched like crazy. I just don’t know how trustworthy people are on ebay :sigh:. The guy does have 1844 feedback though, with 99.3% positive.
Is the region on the DVD set to play in USA/Canada? That might be a problem. Try http://www.spun.com for some good deal on used DVDs/CDs instead. I just horded a huge REM/U2 collection last week at an almost free price - I gave them my horde of never-listened to ColumbiaHouse spam CDs
That is good feedback. If you want, send me a pm with the ebay link and I’ll tell you if he is trustworthy or not (at least to my best knowledge). I promise I won’t bid on the item.