E3 Press Conferences


I find it funny no one has made a thread I’ve been watching it at work most of the day. MS is doing some amazing things.

The future bores me. I prefer to check out the past.

:thumb: Great picture, sekasi!

Squenix Megaton BOMB Final Fantasy XIII on Xbox 360 ZOMG this was totally unexpected

PS3 users are not going to be very happy about this, Sony is in some serious poopoo now

Sony is screwed. What a great way to end a conference.

I have class when the conference is tomorrow so I’ll miss nintendo’s (oh well most they can do is change a few polygons).

It just ended and yea gamespots page won’t load right now. Like right when the video stopped so did the server. :lol:

Fallout 2.

Whatever Bungie is going to release in 36 hours.

[QUOTE=Theros;2358744]Fallout 2.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo’s starts right when I get of my econ class. But I don’t see them doing much. I few kid games and maybe a old classic and thats it.

I really don’t know WTF Nintendo is doing I mean cmon if they keep releasing add-ons and crappy games they’re going to go the way of the Saturn, I’ve lost all respect for Nintendo since N64 they just keep getting worse.

I mean WTF is this?

Forget accurate 3D tracking give me real games.

Thou shalt not cite Kotaku in anger, thou shalt link to other news sites. Kotaku is righteous and holy and shalt not’eth be tarnished with thoughts of dislike abooth the news or companies in these’em news that Kotaku reporeth.

I’m not angry at Kotaku they are the Videogame news GODs, but Nintendo they can eat my poo I hate them with a passion and I have all 3 current-gen consoles and the Wii hasnt been turned on for a year, gotta check if it still works :lol:

25minutes and we will see live what they plan on doing. But yea the accurate thing is ridiculous. They have like 5 decent games the rest are just meh.

WiiSux with new addon to use your remote in creative ways :lol:

Do we seriously have to buy an accessories every time we want to play a wii game.

Wii snow boarding… seriously. - Board

Animal Crossing - Microphone

Call of Duty - Gun

Rayman -> Call of Duty… thats a nice jump.

I wasn’t saying that you were mad at Kotaku, I was just saying that if you must cite a source concerning something you are angry about, don’t cite Kotaku because it is too holy. Gosh, can’t make a joke around here anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Temp: :lol: You forgot Wii Fit.

Now we just have to wait to see what Sony has planned (Home in itself is amazing).

Wow Nintendo spent money on E3 to announce 4 games? :lol:

I’m not surprised I knew they were just going to keep sucking.

They could’ve announced a new punch out, kid icarus, donkey kong game, fzero yet they resort to animal crossing? For the hardcore gamers?

Shows you how out of touch nintendo is with the group that made them who they are.

Oh well lets hope Sony has something interesting to announce otherwise E3 was won yesterday by MS with the megaton bomb that was FFXIII, still cant believe it…

That LBP presentation was awesome really cool the way they used it for the charts.

^Yea it was sick.

I’m shocked Sony didn’t stay a ton about Home *(the video did show a lot).

Far Cry 2, Fall Out 3. Those developers know how to use the PS3.

Those developers love the cores. Sony knows how to show off games, I mean so many hit titles.

They even described mag… holly hell.

Was not impressed at all, this was just liek a repeat of last years E3 wait for Home wait for LBP blah blah blah

Seems like Sony is a bit bitter bout FFXIII they gave it no :love: didnt even mention it as a release for next year

Only thing that got me a little excited was God of War 3 announcement but no gameplay sucked and no Shadow Colossus makes me :cry:

Those games you mentioned most will come out on X360 as well except for Infamous and Mag.

Cant wait to play Mirrors Edge though and thats another multiplatform game.

Well I think its fair to say MS won this E3 with the massive damage they dealt yesterday with the FFXIII announcement, who knows MGS4 might end up on X360 after all probably on 4 DVDs :lol:

Although Id rather swap DVDs than have 30min installs :lol: