does anybody know that it is earthday today.
i knew that when ahmed clicked on the google logo.
does anybody know that it is earthday today.
i knew that when ahmed clicked on the google logo.
ah, so that’s why they changed it…
yeah. i think so. i never knew you were able to click it until ahmed clicked it. google always change its logo according to a special event
lol yeah, and when you click it it’ll take you a google search of the day’s theme…
I say kill the environment. If it’s dead, no one can complain about drilling in Alaska.
haha tree huggers:P!!!
i hate earthday, there is not point. at my old school, they had us clean the front of the school. we got atleast 25 bags of leaves. because our janitor was to lazy to do it him self.
tree-huggers are cool :bad:
*Originally posted by ahmed *
**tree-huggers are cool :bad: **
yea, cool to make fun of=) :x
*Originally posted by Alex *
**yea, cool to make fun of=) :x
lol=) **
yeah i hate tree huggers but they’ve got a point and they are right
shut up you rutheless monsters :pirate:
i was only joking around with you:P
im not a tree-hugger… i just kind of respect them
wut are TREE HUGGERS!!! r they like people who care for environment?
cool, i would have liked planted a tree, but i didnt have one handy
*Originally posted by *
**cool, i would have liked planted a tree, but i didnt have one handy**
Now that’s the attitude
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