i created a prototype function which fades in and fades out a MC.
i use it this way: MC.fade(“In”, speed, limit). It’s working Fine.
Now i want to create a prototype function which moves a MC including easing. I would like to be able to use it this way:
MC.move(goX, goY, speed); or something like this.
I have been trying for 2 days and i also looked in several places but i couldn’t find something like this. I am sure for a lot of people this is simple but i am having problems with it. Can someone help me?
being this a prototype, shoudn’t i also be able to write this on the actions layer, to move the MC “InstanceName”?
_root.InstanceName.easeTo(0, 0, 5);
P.S: about the error in the code i knew it was missing the “function” word. My problem is that i am not able to move the Mc with this command and i think i should be able to do that.