with flash mx everyone had the custom easing tool 1.2 that was pretty nifty in that it allowed you to create some great easing effects, particularly that elastic effect that everyone seems to enjoy.
unfortunately it doesn’t work with flash 8 but we now have more control over the easing with their own little version of the custom easing, yet i’m not a fan of it. the component had presets that were perfect for the more simple effects but the tool in flash 8 doesn’t have that, forcing one to map out the y & x coordinates (or in this case, tween and frame rate).
maybe its that i just don’t know how to use it, but does anyone know if there’s a way to get presets out of that tool, or if there are any other components that are available for flash 8?
ok, after a rather boring search of this topic on the web it looks as though i’m not alone in thinking this tool needs improvement. its the general consensus that macromedia/adobe needs to add some preset options or at the very least some save options so that when one finally hammers out a great ease effect, they can save it in a more simpler way other than extracting the code and keeping it outside the program.
It is a pain trying to reuse custom eases. The best method I’ve found so far to duplicate one custom tween to other movieclips (this is a hack method for sure) is to copy the entire tween keyframes to another layer, then at each keyframe delete the content. Place your new movieclip into those blank keyframes, and it will retain the original custom teen on the new movieclips. Sucky, but works.
I just can’t believe they made the tool like that. It’s obviously a knockoff of the custom easing tool but they sorta left out all the “good parts.” For example, the option to ease outside the grid for a bounce-effect. With the new 8 version, you can only go to 100% on either axis which restricts it something fierce.
oh well. :kommie:
I guess there are two version of the custom easing tool; one that doesn’t work for Flash 8 and one that does. I managed to get the latter so if anyone needs it I can send you a copy. email me at mpronnei@yahoo.com.