Easing movement, arrow controls

i have a ball i want to move around so i used the following AS to move it:


onClipEvent(load) {
setProperty(this, _x, 375);
setProperty(this, _y, 375);
moveSpeed = 10;


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(Key.isDown(key.RIGHT) and this._x < 375) {
	this._x += moveSpeed;
if(key.isDown(key.LEFT) and this._x > 25) {
	this._x -= moveSpeed;
if(key.isDown(key.UP) and this._y > 25) {
	this._y -= moveSpeed;
if(key.isDown(key.DOWN) and this._y < 375) {
	this._y += moveSpeed;



i wanted to add an easing motion, as if it was in water, or something like that so i read a tutorial on easing on this sight and tried…


onClipEvent(load) {
setProperty(this, _x, 375);
setProperty(this, _y, 375);
moveSpeed = 10;


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(Key.isDown(key.RIGHT) and this._x < 375) {
	this._x += moveSpeed;
	_x += (endX-_x)/Movespeed;
if(key.isDown(key.LEFT) and this._x > 25) {
	this._x -= moveSpeed;
if(key.isDown(key.UP) and this._y > 25) {
	this._y -= moveSpeed;
if(key.isDown(key.DOWN) and this._y < 375) {
	this._y += moveSpeed;


as you can see i only tried it on the right movement, although i wanted it on all movements, but it didn’t really work…
any help/ pointers in the right direction would be appriciated,
thanks :slight_smile: