
Working on this grungy pic of Clint Eastwood, heres what i have so far, i plan to add more later. please comment.

<a href=“http://www.replode.com/images/eastwood”>eastwood</a>


I think it’s pretty good aas it is tbh… the text needs some work - the font is fine, but try and get it so the text looks like it’s been stencilled on with spray paint or something… oh… and anti-alias it - at the moment it looks really jagged around the edges with detracts from the piece as a whole.

other than that! I really like it! if you do intend to add more! make sure you save a copy of it as it is now! :thumb:

thanks, im working on the text right now to try to fix it up. :wink:

I like it. It feels and looks alot like some pictures ive seen made for the film ‘Taxi Driver’

Good work.

Maybe you could ask Eye Wake how they did theres
