Easy I suppose

Hi. I have a simple question regarding Flash. I’ve made a little web site. I made some buttons for it. I want that, when one clicks on a button, it will pop out an html site. I’ve done the other sites in html so what code should I use to link them to the buttons?

on (release) {

That should work…

Does this work for created from me files? and how do I type the path to my file down if so?

The getURL function is the only function Flash has that can interpret a URL and go there, as Lounge stated, the code would be…

on (release) {

Where on your button you of course need the on(release), and when you release it called the getURL.

Your getURL should look like this…

getURL("yourFile.extention", "_blank");

"yourFile.extention is just that. You can link to yourFile.html, or .zip, or anything else. And if it is a full URL like you wanted to visit another site it would be “http://www.someurltogoto.com” The double quotes are important around the URL and around the target.

“_blank” is what opens this in another window. The target area allows you to use “_self” to open in the same window, “_blank” to open in a new window, “_top” to open in the same window IF you are using frames.

If you are using frames and want to load in a specific frame you must first name your frame and then target the name in the target area. So if you frame name was “contents” (no quotes), then you would target “contents” (with quotes in Flash), so it would look like…

on (release) {
getURL("yourfile.html", "contents");

I hoped any of this helped.

Hey man, you’re the greatest. Million and one thanx to you!!!

btw your footer is too tall

Wow, I didn’t even notice. I think I was browing with footers turned off then.

Yeah, I think you accidently defined the width as the height and the height as the width.

The require is max of 300x60 (but we don’t complain if it is a tad bit over)

Please change that.

Oh, sorry i can’t even see my footer for i have problems with java… i’ll try to correct that as soon as possible.