Can somebody please tell me how i can create a link from my Flash page to an html page, i’m a beginner at the subject and don’t know much. thanks for the help.
You need to open your “action script” panel.
Then, if you have a frame, you can just use the getUrl(); command. If you’ve got a button that you want to make perform this action then you have to use
the getUrl command has some feilds to fill in. The first is the Url you are trying to link to. The second drop down you should change to “_parent” instead of “_blank” if you want it to open the page in the same window as the flash player movie, or leave it as is, if you want it to pop up in a new window. The third field you shouldn’t mess with right now, that’s for more advanced stuff. It’s default of “don’t send” should be fine for what you’re doing.
If you need more help, I’ll try to explain better… just let me know.