Easy one: Mute sound


I have a couple of buttons on my site that play a sound when I hovering above and pressing them. I placed the sounds in the button-time line and used the “start” for Sync. Not sure if that´s the best thing…

Now, all you Flash wizards, I want to insert a “mute all sounds” button. How do I do it?



have u try the “stopallsounds” ?

Yes, I have. It doesn´t work…

I´ve tried this to but can´t make it work.

Can you post your code that you have on your two buttons

I would go the whole sound object route. Here’s a tutorial I wrote on the topic if you’re interested.


Great! Thanks Kenny! I think I´ve got it now. Working with sound objects gives me so much more control over the sounds.

  • I owe your one!
