I have 80 .png pics that I want to import to PS and then export them in .jpg format with a pastel filter but I dont want to go one by one, how can I make the whole process automatic, like a batch process, if anyone can point me to a tut or if someone wants to explain me what to do exactly would be great! thanks!
do a search on batch , and you should find a few threads that go through batch in photoshop.
crap I forgot about search! sorry…
window > action
create a new set > create new action
record your action (filter, etc…) then hit stop
once you have finish that go to file > automate > batch and find your folder with 80 files in it… and then hit ok… that should be it
if you don’t understand… you can always use photoshop help… keyword automate or automate a task
p.s. this is for ps cs version… might be a bit different for other version of ps
I make the action but my action keeps opening the fist image and applying the filter, how can I make so it has to make the actions to every pic? and thanks by the way, really aprecciate it, I also search and found a good thread but still cant make it work
File>Automate>Batch… select your folder and the action you want it to run.
great! works beautiful! thank u very much guys! :party:
p.s. this is for ps cs version… might be a bit different for other version of ps
exactly the same for v7