Photoshop actions

i’ve got about 150 images in one folder that i want to open, resize and save to another folder. i know how to record the resizing etc, but how can i tell photoshop to open one image, perform actions, then open the next image and so on…?
at the moment when i play the action, it just opens the same image, performs actions etc…
hope thats clear!

  • G

You need to make sure that the actions you’ve recorded are correct. I’d advise not recording the opening of the file, as it’ll just open the same one again and again.

So open up the first file before pressing record. Once it’s open, hit the Rec button, and do the required adjustments - Img Size and Save (or whatever), close the picture then press Stop.

That should record all the bits you need. You’ll have to open each file, but once it’s there, just press Play and you should have everything done for you. :slight_smile:

wow, that was the fastest reply yet!
i really thought there was a way photoshop could go through each file in a folder and apply actions without you manually having to open each file?
i must be wrong, at least thats confirmed it for me.
thanks a lot man :thumb:

  • G

No probs. :slight_smile:

There might be a way to do it, but I’m not sure. I could code it in Flash. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m not the greatest on here at Photoshop though, so don’t take my word for it. :slight_smile:

hah! think i just found it, the batch command. i’m just reading about it in the help files now, looks pretty good.

  • G
    yes, probably easier coding it!

See? :sure: I still don’t know my way around Photoshop very well. :slight_smile:

Check the slideshow feature. Just adjust the settings you want to have and it will make it for you…

Yep gbay you are right the batch command is the way to go, Find it under file/automate/batch. Its pretty straight forward.


:: Usually actions are used for repetative scaling and simple changes to files. You can include these actions in the batch as well. find it under the second pull down menu in the batch dialog box.

cool guys
got it sorted. :thumb:
do they have actions for planning, designing, building and developing web sites? wow, wouldnt that be handy!?
some of those other automated options are pretty cool.:crazy:

  • G

do they have actions for planning, designing, building and developing web sites? wow, wouldnt that be handy!?

actually macromedia’s dreamweaver also has action commands and recorders - doesnt batch the process though…

As for the photoshop batch thingy, make sure you dont rewrite your files over the first few times, try to play around because you dont alway get what your supposed to…