Ebay item -

Steals fester’s beer and runs

but trips because he has already been drinking for 3 hours and falls…spilling all the beer

*picks up the beer and hands them water (but they dont know it) to try to sober them up, cause to much drinking will give you liver failure :hangover: *

someone please buy it!

yes yes yes i promise…now buy … go go go!!! I don’t even know 2 people that sell on ebay!..

and you must chop down the tallest tree in the foreeeeeessst WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITH a herring.

hrmz…you could buy my ring instead…almost as satisfying as tree chopping and bush planting…

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
***picks up the beer and hands them water (but they dont know it) to try to sober them up, cause to much drinking will give you liver failure :hangover: * **

Do you have any idea how mad someone gets when they are drunk and you give them water!?

Well, they usually don’t because they can’t taste the difference, but if they knew then you would get you butt kicked! :bad:

Realizes beer has been stolen

Goes to fridge to get another

loads .44 and drinks beer waiting for more poachers

pulls out tranq gun to calm fest down…

trips again and shoots self in neck

*goes down slow…everything…fades…out… :sleep:

buy it.

4 hours left gogogo

walks in with a 12 guage, stumbles over Jubba and shoots, puts hole in can. can is drained. fester just thinks the beer is liter and keeps drinking nothing…

walkes into room slipps on beer, hits head on floor, feels very sleepy:sleep:

*Originally posted by david *
prstudio, despite the fact that you have some support for what you did, it’s still poor web edicate.

hmmm…web edicate…interesting concept…

=) =) :stuck_out_tongue: