The not so spammy ebay pitch

no spam this time!

if you know anyone interested, send them to this link!

sorry about your relationship. that’s a nice ring.

Wow dude - great ring…!

How come you are selling it? It’s probably none of my business but… I am nosey sometimes :slight_smile:

Direct Quote from the site:

I am selling this as my engagement has ended.

We just ended up not being compatible…issues arose and arose…until it was just like “yeah we aren’t getting married.”

It stunk for a while, but I’m a man of faith and God pulled me up and showed me a brighter less argumentive future.

I’m selling it on there because I really don’t have any other way to do it.

Figured it was worth a shot.

Thank you, it was an awesome ring.

Maj, I just noticed on your site…where you list your skills…you spelled unprecedented wrong… precedent.
Just trying to help ya out!

It’s beautiful… <b>sighs</b>

Thanks prstudio for the input…

Hang in their Kitty, im sure you’ll get a wedding rock someday…