Look at this garbage. The bid on this copy is very low for only ending in 30 mins, however look what this POS is trying to do. Look at the very bottom of the auction and it gives you the details of shipping and such.
Hey Brad, The way that people stop this ebay rip off is to have a bogus account and bid $5000 on the item. The cool thing about ebay is it’s policed by the people. I’ve only been kicked off ebay once for trying to sell a forest service uniform.
doh’! too late! bidding closed! or is ther a way to view it after it’s closed? dunno I don’t visit ebay cuz I’m under 18! Can’t do anything there if I’m under 18!
wow, what an asshole! most people on ebay are NOT like that. i have had 3 very wonderful experiences with buying something off ebay. technically you are supposed to be 18 to be on ebay, but really you could be under 18 with a credit card (like me!)
i saw an e-bay auction for a live baby, garunteed to be delivered alive and well, to your doorstep… the baby was listed in slightly used/near mint condition. lol…
then there was the guy that auctioned off an ass-kicking. He said he would personally go the home of the highest bidder, and give them a professional beating. The scariest thing is it got over 20 bids before ebay shut it down…