
Stumbled upon this…it’s very very well done

i was just about to post this… mind-blowing stuff…

This guy wrote his own 3-D engine for this! (click and pull on his head)

Check out his other demos.

Wow - this site is amazing. I am impressed.

Jesus, that’s impressive.

I was going to ask what 3D engine was used, because the performance was so good, it was silky smooth.

Wow that is one of the most impressive work I’ve seen for awhile. I wish I could build my own 3d engine.

thats amazing!

Wow, that’s incredible!

very impressive

Ok that is mighty nice! The 3d engine really blew me away in the pop up books. How do you know he did his own 3d engine? it seems like fairly standard pv3D to me, just really bloody well executed. Also love the flag with the physics on it that you can move around.

edit: NM just saw the post about the 3d engine … i am not sure how i missed that! That is incredible for one guy.