hello I need some good suggestions! it doesnt need to be free of course
Im looking for a good ecommerce shopping cart to build a store, an online pharmacy (around 250 products)…I need something easy to set up, with control panels to add, remove, edit products, categories etc. It doesnt need to use credit card to buy, it just needs to send an email form with the information of the client and the order. Also, it has to be very customizable (css, tables etc) and with a seach engine included. I think thats it
If anything, I recommend you do not go with osCommerce. It is a pain trying to skin a good site with osCommerce. The code completely sucks and is about 3 years outdated.
yes I heard that about about osCommerce and decide to skip it…I just downloaded Zen Cart it looks good. Im doing the installation process thanks MT. Ill see how it behaves!
If you feel a Flash based E-Commerce package is fine, SecureStores is something I have heard of: www.securestores.com. Not sure when the site will be up but it was developed by Neverrain (Julian) who used to be a member here.
well I already installed the cart www.centrocalidad.net/catalog but havent had much time to mess around with it yet, that one is for testing purposes…its very easy to manage the admin panels, add categories, products, prices, specials; what I need to spend more time with is customizing and designing a bit more, now it is a little plain looking…but its a very good alternative.
The only problem is that I needed a shopping cart that didnt need to register and this one for the moment its the only option