
^ He is cool. His website needs to be finished so that I can see even more cool stuff on it.

^ yup… Edwin. He is cool. I want to see his work on his site. Hurry up Edwin. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes yes. Edwin, when is the ETA of your site?

The ETA of his site is…

whenever it gets done :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t wait to see it either… I am stoked to even see what kind of effects he has going on

:beam: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :trout:

expect something weird, funny, and msotlikey unuser friendly. and easter eggs. oh yeah and some art or something

*Originally posted by vts31 *
**oh yeah and some art or something **
art :q:… who needs art?

me :slight_smile:

Edwin’s art rocks

i cant wait to see it, its going to kick arse! :stuck_out_tongue:

yep kick arse!

*Originally posted by vts31 *
**expect something weird, funny, and msotlikey unuser friendly. and easter eggs. oh yeah and some art or something **

You do art? Since when? Where can I see some?

I think his site is going to be great.

I also cannot wait to see Lost’s new site - I hope he hasnt quit working on it!!

lost is doin a new site?

i cant wait either, their site will blow my site out of the water,

haha :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**lost is doin a new site? **

Yes… Yes I am… in FLASH… will be my first Flash site, so don’t expect much, seriously. And I didn’t quit working on it (yet…hehe).

Back to Edwins… man, I just can’t wait for this :beam:

lost thats awesome… if you can make an html site look that amazing i cant wait to see what u come with in flash

and yeah, i cant wait for edwins site

Lost is contributing a lot to my site. Thanx bro. It wouldnt be possible with out him

Hehe… you spoiled it Edwin :stuck_out_tongue: I liked playing with their heads like I had no idea what you were doing :beam:

No problem man :slight_smile:

::hides back in shadows::

oooohhhhh ahhhhhh
(I wounder if any of those are taken???)

edwin and his site is like that www.xdude.com guy…it just never happens