I was in McDonalds earlier this morning, and I look out the window, and I think I see a fighter jet go zoooooming across… this may not be weird to you, but here in Toronto, it doesn’t normally happen.
…unless my eyes fool me.
I was in McDonalds earlier this morning, and I look out the window, and I think I see a fighter jet go zoooooming across… this may not be weird to you, but here in Toronto, it doesn’t normally happen.
…unless my eyes fool me.
the US is finally invading Canada!!! YAY!
up yours eh?!
bout time we invaded those hosers…
*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**the US is finally invading Canada!!! YAY! **
You just want our beer you little girly men
Actually, I want your doughnuts, and your hot girls.
I have yet to meet an ugly canadian girl
…there are lots of them. trust me.
are you one of them?
…im a guy…
:steps back slowly:
yeah, hence the joke…
You’re such an ugly girl! You even have a wee wee… I hate that in a girl…
I’m just joking around. it’s too early in the morning for me to make any sense.
…that explains it
OK, you guys are freaking me out a little now…
Don’t worry, I freak myself out everyday.
kit, with all due respect, you freak me out too!
I will vouch for the fact that there are some ugly canadain girls, but the same can be said for the guys around here too - I myself have a few ugly friends, but their still nice just the same
Hahaha - only joking.
We do have a good number of attractive women around here though - just walking through the malls on the weekend is proof enough for me, especially with the warm weather coming up!!! yippee!
hahaha - ok my old man perverted rant is done
…i agree with the mall thing. =D
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