
I was in McDonalds earlier this morning, and I look out the window, and I think I see a fighter jet go zoooooming across… this may not be weird to you, but here in Toronto, it doesn’t normally happen.

…unless my eyes fool me. :blush:

the US is finally invading Canada!!! YAY!


up yours eh?!


bout time we invaded those hosers…

*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**the US is finally invading Canada!!! YAY! **


You just want our beer you little girly men :slight_smile:

Actually, I want your doughnuts, and your hot girls.
I have yet to meet an ugly canadian girl

…there are lots of them. trust me.

are you one of them?

…im a guy…

:steps back slowly:

yeah, hence the joke…
You’re such an ugly girl! You even have a wee wee… I hate that in a girl…

I’m just joking around. it’s too early in the morning for me to make any sense.

…that explains it

OK, you guys are freaking me out a little now… :slight_smile:

Don’t worry, I freak myself out everyday.

kit, with all due respect, you freak me out too!

I will vouch for the fact that there are some ugly canadain girls, but the same can be said for the guys around here too - I myself have a few ugly friends, but their still nice just the same :slight_smile:

Hahaha - only joking.

We do have a good number of attractive women around here though - just walking through the malls on the weekend is proof enough for me, especially with the warm weather coming up!!! yippee!

hahaha - ok my old man perverted rant is done :slight_smile:

…i agree with the mall thing. =D