**Only in America…
can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.
Only in America…
are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink.
Only in America…
do banks leave both doors open but chain the pens to the counters.
Only in America…
do people order double cheese burgers, a large fry, and a “diet” coke.
Only in America…
do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and leave useless things and junk in boxes in the garage.
Only in America…
do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won’t miss a call from someone we didn’t want to talk to in the first place.
Only in America…
do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
Only in America…
do we use the word “politics” to describe the process so well: “Poli” in latin meaning “many” and “tics” meaning “blood-sucking creatures”.**
How about your dollar is failing while ours goes up (currently 70c, thankyou), how about weather isn’t a constant thing by country. Remember, when you step across the border, the temperature doesn’t drop forty degrees.
the first two things, give some numbers and maybe I’ll pay attention to them.
How about living conditions are more important than a measly quarter? How about you think about every single one of those people that died and how many lives are ruined by your horrible gun laws and irresponsible bastards running around.
How about I can go on, and while you whine about sweet nothings, I have facts that mean something, to a lot of people.
Something I forgot to mention
The value of one nations dollar in comparison to another’s means nothing. It’s pretty stupid, actually.
Anything I buy in Canada costs roughly as much as in the States.
My dollar is worth less, yes, but it is balanced by the prices of the goods.
You buy your pack of gum for a dollar, for example, and your dollar is a dollar and fourty cents here, and that’s how much I would pay.
Well, if gum were to cost a dollar U.S.
Anyways, just reminding you that that means nothing. Sorry to bust your bubble.
I am comparing the Great White North to the normal latitudes… Not NY, or Minnesota, or even Chicago. I am talking about the places most Americans wish they could live… The moderate zone of the continent. By Geographical location alone, Canada in General will be a good 40 degrees cooler in the winter than it currently is where I live (and in LA and the South, it is even warmer). In the summer, the temp in the major cities will be hot and humid, while I bask in moderate temps with a nice coasterly breaze.
Glad to hear your money is on the rise. It’s about time. How long has it been since it was worth $1 US?
My response about your gun stats… we have to stop saying “the other countries do it this way,” since we have allowed guns for over 200 years, they are here to stay, like it or not. Do you seriously think that if we took the same tack as England and outlawed guns, took them away from our Police, that the murder rate would go down? You can’t compare the US to any other nation, since we were founded on Independent rebellion (Canada still hangs on to the Queen’s apron strings), and most others were formed by Monarchs…
Yeah… That’s 10,000 people dying to gun wounds. That’s actually not too bad considering other countries who just “kill” their own kind…
Then we have to take into affect the fact that no country is stupid enough to invade America… Know why… Cause every crazy bastard here has at least one gun in their house… You wouldn’t have to worry about our army defending the nation… we have enough crazy bastards with guns defending it…
Now… That’s not a great point but it eases my nerves… hehe…
Rev wasn’t saying that it drops 40 degrees as soon as you cross the border… He was merely stating the fact that your climate has a naturally longer winter and more brutal summer system than outs. Of course if you go to arizone you’ll find brutal hot temps and if you go to detroit you’ll find brutally cold winters… But that’s not everywhere in the country… Very rarely will you find that our entire country is stormed by freezing weather or brutally hot weather…
America is a godawful place to live, and for no apparent reason.
Why is it such a god awful place to live? Have you actually lived here? And I’m tlaking some respectful places… Not talking huge cities like Detroit and New York City… I’m talking about where I’m from or some of the small towns and everything else. Or are you going by the news and what you’ve heard from.
The sheer fact is this… Yeah… we may kill a couple thousand by gunshot because a couple of stupid people “overthrow” their right to bear arms… But at least I feel safe knowing that if a country were to invade that we’d put up one hell of a fight.
We do not ‘hang on the queen’s apron string’, rev, far from it. Most canadians dislike the monarchy, and all countries recognize canada as fully seperate from Britain, ever since we defined modern warfare and saved the world a few times back in 1914-18. Oh, but you guys wouldn’t remember that, <b>you weren’t there.</b>
I didn’t say that you should get rid of guns. Canada hasn’t. Do you know how many guns are in Canada? The hell of a lot, I’ll tell you that. We hunt, you know. We have police. We have special forces. We have a military (though not a great one). Canada is so similar to the U.S. it’s not even funny. Why is it that you have such a high death rate by guns, while we don’t? It makes no sense. Your country is just screwed up.
Moderate zone of the continent. Hm.
Like, 90% of our population lives within 10-odd miles of the Can/U.S. border. Something like that, anyways. We may own the great white north, but we don’t all live there.
Rev - our dollar was worth more than yours in the 80’s and has only recently gone down (within the last 10 years) Again, our prices also reflect our wages. We make more than you do as an average but your prices are lower… evens out I think.
My opinion of ‘god-awful’ was based solely on the fact that so many people die that way. I’ve been to the states, and I’m well aware that it’s pretty much the same as Canada, except for there’s a lot more slums. That has to do with the population, yes, I know.
Your argument about crazy bastards makes no sense whatsoever. Countries don’t invade because they don’t want to get teamed up on by every single other country in the world. They’re not stupid. That is what would happen.
A countries military is far from concerned about a few morons who own a rifle. I’m sure they’d be real hard to take care of. They can survive huge explosions, I’m sure.
I didn’t say you did. I am saying look at the fact that you are a lot further north than I am. Personally, I wouldn’t live within 500-750 miles of that border… too dam cold.
And you are still hanging on… The Queen is on your flippin’ money! You have a Provence named “British Columbia.”
And quoting how you saved the world almost a hundred years ago is like a 50 yr old man braggin about winning in High School football…
of course you beat us in hockey… You invented the stupid game…
You have a parliament, not a congress, like which country? Your money comes in multi colors like which country? Your country has socialized medicine like which country?
Where in America did you travel? Have you been to middle America (where most of the population actually lives)?
And your thoughts about the military is just exactly how the King got his arse whipped 200 years ago…
Canada is just so happy to have the largest open border in the world with the “World’s Policeman”, that they don’t want to look like a copycat, so they hang on to the “tradition” of the Monarchy. It kinda gives them a feeling of a proud past (which they really don’t have other than fur traders and hermits)…