Eerrmm, Microsoft's doing what now?!

Should I cry like a little girl now? or wait until more comes of it?

This is old news.

First I’ve heard of it. Does that mean it’s not an issue anymore?

Still is, i would say.

we all have been talking about it for weeks… PS- I have a better fix for it than kirupa!!

hmmm, well i found this:

but whats kirupas fix? and whats your fix?

I cant find the thread for it.

This is the fix I’m using

But it’s a real pain having to rewrite hundreds of html files

Herbal Vaporizers

I know your fix, use FireFox! :blush:

Thanx glosrfc, looks like i got my work cut out for me.

Definately use Firefox

I’m an avid Internet Explorer user, and still haven’t understood where FireFox out does IE. Sure its got some neat Search facilities, looks a little better, and is open source, but IE has been around since the beginning (almost).

Besides, all major business rely on IE. Flash HAS to work 100% for it. I can’t just ignore because of one little ActiveX issue.

Perhaps I’m missing something… am I?

Tyg3r - I wrote an article a few days ago based on FlashObject that tries to make things easier for developers:

Some members have had difficulty getting the above script to work 100%, so I’m going to look into that in a little bit :slight_smile:

Tabbed browsing in Firefox. Which is admittedly coming to IE 7. There are other things but if we get into the browser holy wars this thread will be off topic in an instant. You’re right though, as a web developer you can’t even come close to ignoring this, IE has huge market share. Anyone have any sites up and gotten feedback on the solutions?

You couldn’t find any of these threads? :sure:

  1. kirupaForum
  2. kirupaForum
  3. kirupaForum
  4. kirupaForum
  5. kirupaForum
  6. kirupaForum
  7. kirupaForum

Well thats shut me up. lol. I guess I didnt look too far. :S

That tutorial/generator is useful but can I make a couple of suggestions?

  1. Leave out the first line referencing the flashobject.js file and make this part iii of the tutorial - that would help avoid any confusion when it comes to multiple animations on the same page.

  2. On the generator itself (now part iv of the tutorial) would it be possible to select other options, e.g. whether the menu displays or not; set the quality to high, medium, low; set transparency mode; background colour; etc.

  3. Of course, what would be really nice, is if the generator could also read in a html file, comment out anything between existing OBJECT and EMBED tags, insert the new code, and give the option of saving the amended html with a new name :sigh:


hey kirupa just wondering if you have tried the other fixes mentioned? Just looking for the easiest way to get it done. Such a pain. Thanks for the tutorials though!

glos - I will be revising the tutorial next week, and I’ll definitely be using some of your suggestions (-:

Well I have a simple enough fix for that IE problem.

This goes in the <HEAD> section of the HTML. This is just a call for that file name in red from outside the HMTL.

<script src=“[COLOR=Red]Flash.js[/COLOR]” type=“text/javascript”></script>
Create the file exactly as you name it there. (The red one, name it something.js as it’s JavaScript)

Create your flash, export it with the settings you want. Remember to put in the HTML option as you’ll need that code to make this work.
There is an option to autodetect the version and this will use javascript of it’s own. I have no knowledge of this language so a rewrite of that entire thing is not my current cup of tea.


[COLOR=Red]Flash.js[/COLOR] has just that in it. In my case anyway.
It’s just a function that writes in the html document those exact lines.
The "
" is an “Enter” and will be made into a line going down once per "
" and not be seen. The rest is just from the HTML that Flash made.

function [COLOR=DarkOrange]HappyFlash()[/COLOR]
document.write ('<object classid=“clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000” ');
document.write ('codebase=“,0,0,0” ');
document.write ('width=“768” height=“162” id=“Banner” align=“middle”>
document.write (’<param name=“allowScriptAccess” value=“sameDomain” />
document.write (’<param name=“movie” value=“Banner.swf” />
document.write (’ <param name=“quality” value=“best” />
document.write (’<param name=“bgcolor” value=“#fcfcfc” />
document.write (’<embed src=“Banner.swf” quality=“best” ');
document.write ('bgcolor=“#fcfcfc” width=“768” height=“162” ');
document.write ('name=“Banner” align=“middle” allowScriptAccess=“sameDomain” ');
document.write ('type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” ');
document.write ('pluginspage=“” />
document.write (’</object>

After you have your nice little piece of Javascript you use this where those lines where before.

     &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;

This has been tested in IE and Firefox. Works! Simple!

That’s fine, Fat_Man…but what if you want to have different background colours or lower quality renditions for processor-intensive Flash files, to say nothing about the different sizes of your Flash files?

You would have to write and attach a different .js file in the HTML page for every single Flash file. I can imagine that a site using lots of Flash files would become pretty difficult to manage like that.