Since the IE update a couple of months ago – THINGS HAVE CHANGED
QUESTION: How many of you are using the new javascript solutions (whether Kirupa’s or Macromedia’s) to display flash.
(I’m asking because I’ve just visited some high end sites like Praystation, Ego, etc. – and they didn’t change deployment - so want to get a sense of who is doing this out there.)
Basically the “new method” or work around is to display the flash object at runtime using javascript (document.write(), innerHTML, etc). I’m not sure whether to go and change all my sites that do not use that or wait until its fixed. I know you can download a patch from Microsoft’s web site that will correct it, but unless it’s an actual update, most average user’s wouldn’t download it and they will be stuck with the activation message. What does everyone else think? Fix it or wait?
this patch is messed up, you have to go into regedit and add bunch of crap there, unless we both have different patches in mind.
can you post a link to that downloadable patch please?
You can also enable interactive control blocking by adding your application’s process name to the following registry key.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (or HKEY_CURRENT_USER)SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_ENABLE_ACTIVEX_INACTIVATE_MODEprocess_name.exe**=**(DWORD) 0x00000001 Note Because users can modify the registry, the DOCHOSTUIINFO flag is the preferred way to enable interactive control blocking.
Applications can register to incorporate ActiveX control activation by default. For more information, please engage your Technical Account Manager or contact Microsoft Product Support.
I’m trying to start using the js method but am not having luck in the flash files showing up in IE. It works great in Firefox. Anyone else having the same issue?
Those methods including Kirupa’s are fairly complicated solutions. All you have to do is use document.write() for each line of the object tag and the problem is solved.
I would say fix it. Its hard to depend on other users to see if they are going to download the most updated IE or patch to fix the issue. If you have control of the problem, fix it. I’m fixing all my sites at work. It is a bit complicated but it works great for me.
If you guys need another way to do this. let me know.
BlueNar is correct - there is not supposed to be a patch for this folks. My understanding: it’s not a bug – it’s the new way that IE will display Flash without our using the workaround.
(That’s why I posted this initially - to see who’s already implementing)
Josh (rhamej) gave a good example except that you can’t actually see what the writeit() function is doing unless you download the js file. Basically its doing something along the lines of: