Electricity in flash

An attempt at making semi-electricity in MX… :slight_smile:

onother one of my “this goes to show what simple coding in MX can do” kinda things… =)

Hope ya’ll like it… (even a little)… :stuck_out_tongue:


(remember to turn ON the power) hehe…


UPDATE!!!: fla available here: electric fla

You bet! :stuck_out_tongue:

I spent half the time being confused… heh…

Underdog?? Shoeshineboy???



■■■■ Eilsoe, never knew you could code… always thought you were a doodler…

Doodler!?? :P:P

hehe, true, a little…

Phil: I’m 19! 20 come late january =) I just have a childs mind I guess… lol

And as for using any books or anything. No. I stick whatever I got from tutorials and stuff it in my brain, this was all coded right out of head.

That’s why I’m proud of it =)

That is excellent Eilsoe, you need to work on your Math thing though… we talked about this earlier… tisk tisk :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, and I DID use Math.floor actually, but it didn’t werk :-\

As soon as I smacked “int” in, it werked fine… oddly enough…

on the bottom ones that is… the break points worked with floor…

hehe absolutely :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, I AM, and I (probably) always WILL be, the lazy coder! :P:P

This shiznit makes sense to me, when I look at pom’s code, or h88’s for that matter, I just start whimpering =)

Hey Eilsoe, did it just not work, or did you get an error? If it was an error, you probably had a miscount in parenthesis.

Math.floor, Math.round, or Math.ceil can all replace int.

Why they deprecated int for something as long as those I will never be able to figure out :-\

Phil: I highly doubt I could ever be a mentor…lol.

Actually, there’s a difference in ceil, floor and round…

I guess you know, but i’ll run’em over anyways:

ceil: rounds UP to nearest whole.

floor: rounds DOWN to nearest whole.

round: just rounds to nearest whole.

I dunno what “int” does actually… i know it does the same as ONE of the above, my guess would be “round”…


Yes, you are right about the differences, int is the same as Math.round, but floor and ceil are used more often that round for some reason so I got used to using them…lol.

Has anyone noticed the glow effect I put in too??

Or the info button?

=) Just curious…

yep :slight_smile:

Way Shway :slight_smile:

Lost: Nope, no errors… I can handle errors :stuck_out_tongue: This just didn’t respond at all…

Did you try Math.round instead of Math.floor???

No I didn’t… :-\

I’ll check it as soon as I get home… I forgot to upload the fla to my server, so I can’t check it here at school… ~doh.


sweet effect Worm boy… you make me jelous.

Very nice, Eilsoe :slight_smile: I’m impressed, really.

Even though I would do it with 3 times less lines, Muhahahaaaa :evil: :superEvil:

Hey, cool one, really liked it!

Man, you stunned me! This is GREAT! LOVEIT!!!
