Electricity in flash

Haha, “stunned” :stuck_out_tongue:

good one =)

Yes pom, u would :slight_smile: I know! :stuck_out_tongue: I’m the lazy coder here…


I’m happy as long as it works :slight_smile:

FFS when I see such a script and effect then I understand that I’m just a little nooby rookie! doh’
Great work maan!
btw is werk for young people like woot and 1337 ? :stuck_out_tongue: lol


Anyhoo, the fla’s available in post 1 of this thread…

For those who wan’t to take a peek :slight_smile:

I want to :stuck_out_tongue:

What is FFS???

FFS = For Fuc|< Sake :stuck_out_tongue:

That makes no sense though :-\

no it doesn’t but I like it! :stuck_out_tongue: lol

It makes as much sense as me saying “My dog walks backwards on winter days with false moons”

“God bless mustard Jar-bells”

…[SIZE=1]his fault points to Lost[/SIZE]

LMAO! you got that right! LOL :P:P
let’s see if it’s better if I replace FFS with this.

My dog walks backwards on winter days with false moons when I see such a script and effect then I understand that I’m just a little nooby rookie! doh’

LOL, that actually sorta makes more sense that FFS


MDWBOWDWFM!!! :o :o :o

geez… that’ll be hard to remember :smirk:


(That would be hard to remember Eilsoe)… wow, writing shortly on the internet better not become that popular otherwise it will be a whole new language :-\

ok it’s movie time. I’m not gonna be around a while :smirk:


PTLHDNITKLFUH… :stuck_out_tongue:




:::hunches head down and wimpers:::


*“I am evil HO-mer”


Bwahahaaa… :evil:


any other comments? :slight_smile:

I´ve said it´s great already!

You want me to say that I could do better? Well, I can´t. Ok!:*(
So stop making me feel inferior ok? OK?:evil:

■■■■ you for your knolege:*(
