ElectronGeek V2,

Great great site ELECTRONGEEK.

I read your long reply aimed for oasis.
And I undestand the concept with the transitions.
AND I was wondering about that preloader in the
gallery section.

It starts after frame 25 (closing) is played !
How did you make the opening animation wait until
the loaded swf is 100% loaded. Or does every SWF contain
the preloader ans the opening ???

Can you please explain how this is working ?

On each external swf, there is an action that tells the door to open, I usually place this action at the 10th frame of each external swf. The script looks something like this:


That basically tells the movieclip with the instance name of “doors” to play the frame label named “open” which is when the doors slide open.

Hmm okey, think i got that part. So this means
there is a preloader on every single swf ?

NO, on my set up, the preloader you see is actually a “dummy” loader, it’s just a movieclip that loops constanly. It’s part of the closed part of the transition animation, when the external swf finishes loading and executes the script I posted above, the “dummy” loader stops playing because it’s not part of the opening part of my transition animation.

Oh, Of course !!!, Really a smart way to to it.
I got it, Thanks for your help explaining your
good skills.

No, problem. =)