Electrongeek, whered u get the trax?

your site looks pretty sweet. i especially like the music. where’d u get them? are u able to post them up here? thanks!

He used Flashtrax for that specific one… But I made him a newer version so that he can play his own loops…

I think Flashtrax is availible from FlashKit Forums.

Yup, all of them were from flashkit. =)

:wink: Hey there cutie eg :love: Dream boy. You don’t gte on AIm anymore… Me sad and go cry :*(

LOL be on later, I’m at work. =)

alright, i got one from flashkit but how do i make it automatically play (like electrongeeks) when i enter the site? thanks

Apply this to the play button of your flashtrak player:[AS]onClipEvent(load){
tellTarget ("…/load") {
tellTarget ("…/") {
…/:status = “play”;

Blah blah blah… hehe…

Good Job m8… I still liked the sa I made better :-p turd.

ok, i added the code to the play button, but then it gave me an error saying that it has to be a mc instance. the publish settings were set to flash 6. and i did apply it to a movie clip, dunno why the error popped up. heres the fla. if u can help me out with it thatll be great. thanks alot eg!

You’re suppose to apply that script above to the movieclip that holds the play and stop buttons. Sorry if I wasn’t being clearn enough. Make sure you apply it to the movieclip with the instance of “bns” and not directly to the play button itself.

ya i must admint track 4 on electons site is dope

cool. got it. thanks man!

i noticed when i made the bar wider and taller, the last 7 seem to overlap. i tried altering some of the code so it wouldnt overlap but then i was left with 4 bars instead of 8 which tend to be wider apart then before. i know you’re a total actionscript guru so i was wondering if u could help me out on this one. thanks!:slight_smile: