Embed Fonts Problem =(

Hi all,

I’ve been learning flash mx and actionscript recently and tried a couple of stuffs at my website at http://www.marcliu.com . The problem I have is this, when you click on the coloured news tabs, the left window will have news appearing in a dynamic textfield. However, even after i’ve embedded the font (FuseSevenComplete) in the dynamic textfield, it still appears somewhat blurrish in some parts. I wish to know if there is anyway to solve this. Is it the problem with the font itself? I embedded uppercase, lowercase, punctuations and numerals. Thanks!

That font looks like a pixel font, so you have to watch out for a few details.

thanks but ive tried all of them before but it doesnt work.
funny thing is only some parts appear blurry +_+

Problem turned out to be although i embedded the font. I still have to anti alias it in order for it to look right. Wierd Stuff but it worked anyway :slight_smile: thanks for your hlp!