Is there any way to embed a font in action script without having to Library’s menu?
that make no sense
you go into properties and embed font and the characters you want.
In AS2 (not sure in FlashAS3 but I believe in FLEX/AS3 you can embed fonts inline within the code) there isn’t any other way that I know of to embed fonts - besides the library and besides directly in the textField - like the post above mentions.
However, what is the issue - what are you looking to do? You might consider using a shared library for you fonts. The big reasons are: all fonts are in one swf - your other swfs have font references in their libraries to the sharedlibrary.swf. So, you can change a font in one swf, as long as the library/linkage name remains the same, and not have to publish all the other swfs that are utilizing the shared library. Another reason is compile time - compiling fonts, on a Mac takes soooooo long, so haveing them in a shared library means I don’t have to wait for fonts to compiles in my main app swfs.
Hope this helps