I found a tutorial online about embedding a font which I’ve been trying to do. I’m using a minimal font. I went into the character options and click ‘embed all characters’ then I exported the file. I posted it and the fonts look blurry, did I do something wrong during the process? Thanks everyone. First time user on this forum.
Also make sure you text is positioned on whole cordinates.
Select your text box and open the properties window (CTRL+F3), then check the X and Y locations of the box. Make sure they are whole numbers and not decimal (120.0, 100.0 not 120.6, 100.6).
What’s the explanation with the x y asix being that and not having it 100.3 etc etc? I"m going to try that and see if the font will be fixed. thanks
Electronic geek
It didn’t really do anything. The url is http://www.chefcortez.com and go under History, there you’ll see the text in the scrolling pane. I guess outlining and choosing all the character options make it blurry. Any other suggestions or am i totally going the wrong direction here?
thanks for your responses