Embedding Flash into Powerpoint Presentation

Hi - I have a Flash piece that (1 main swf and 6 scene swfs) that is now to be embedded in a Powerpoint presentation. The lady doing the embedding is in Paris, and is having trouble. Specifically, the movie begins to play, but stops soon after. I published a projector .exe for this, but am now wondering - should I treat this as if I were publishing for CD-ROM, full on with an autorun file, etc.? I have used Toast Titanium in the past when prepping a cd-rom presentation, but a) I’ve never worked with a multiple-swf file in this regard, and b) I am in the DARK when it comes to powerpoint - I have no idea about its capabilities and limitations when embedding Flash.

She mentioned also that the text is disappearing, a sure indicator that I need to bundle the Flash Player 8 with the thing. Any words of advice from previous experience, or general direction, or links would all be greatly appreciated…thanks.