Embedding Flash

One step ahead of ya there. I’ve already estabilished forums in ezboard, the member thing I do have to fix though. Used to have around twenty daily posters, now I have less than ten. If that much, I doubt it. Happened when I was cut offline for four months one time. It also happened when I left no one to help take care of the place and the site was unfinished. So yea… heh. The name I use is Dark OmniCity, or Dark OmniCity Community Network. I have no real focus on anything but social gathering, I’m trying to think up a main subject to base the place on, something interesting. I’ve thought of putting up downloads and tutorials and all that as well.

Well you can’t have a site on random nothingness. That would just be TOO much work…lol. You know how much stuff there is to talk about in the world!?

One basic theme is all it really takes to get people interested. Take this site as an example. People demanded Flash tutorials. This site gave them and supplied a forum to help people. BAM, look how many people visit and join this forum every day.

A subject of a site should be something that can supply information as well as help people learn more of the subject directly.

Good point… I need to find something to focus the community on… of what I have no idea… but I’ll have to figure something out…

What subjects do you know a lot about? Or at least a sufficient amount?

You don’t want to start a site on something you are still learning because if people need help and you can’t help, then your site isn’t worth it.

Isn’t coming up with a site just a pain…haha. I used to have a fan site for the X-Men comics because I loved them and I knew just about everything there was to know. I hosted it on FreeYellow.com and they deleted my account without giving me a reason for deletion. Even though my first site did very well, I didn’t want to start it completely over, I worked way to hard on it the first time. So I just did another topic…my “portfolio”. Since I am not a graduate of any design school I guess i can’t officially call it a portfolio, but it works and it allows me to show my Photoshop and Flash work.

Subjects that I know alot about… umm… let’s see. IRC, mIRC scripting, computer troubleshooting, I used to know alot about games, but no more. I enjoy helping people, especially when it comes to computers. Ahh… I can’t think of anything else. The first website I ever built was for cheat codes and game reviews, but there’s so many larger sites out there with those that it didn’t get much attention. I feel like I’m forgetting something…

Well you know about mIRC and mIRC scripting. I am sure there are a lot of people out there interested in that. mIRC is becoming popular quick and I am sure there aren’t many sites out there that teach how to work it and whatnot.

Keep it legal though:)

Hmm. I’ll have to try that then. Ahh, don’t worry I’ll keep it legal :stuck_out_tongue: They can figure the illegal things out themselves and get caught… Hmm… I did build the best security bot in about three or four IRC Servers… I never had time to finish my own script though :frowning: But I do know alot about it, I’ve been studying it thoroughly, or was. Looks like tutorials and such it is then. Hehe. I’m going to ask the other active members or staff members what they know alot about… sound like a good idea?

Sounds great. Definitely collaborate with the rest of the “team” Figure out a common ground and work from there:)

:slight_smile: Thank you, maybe with this new insight I can find something to focus the community on instead of it being like a sub-standard place without purpose. Ah, well, I need to go to bed, I’ve got somewhere to go tomorrow. Vielen danke. :slight_smile: Thanks muchly for your help lostinbeta.

Ah, hell. One more problem… I’ve put a meta tag on my web page that puts a page enter effect on the web page. I like it… it fades the page in… other than the flash doesn’t fade in. Which I guess still isn’t too bothersome… except that it turns the nav bars characters upside down in the meantime! Lol. Ever heard of this or a remedy to it? Elsewise I’m scrapping the on page enter code.

Flash is usually set to a level above those that Javascript defaultly works at. So there is no remedy to this that I know of:(

(Yes, even though it is a meta tag, it activates a javascript function inside the browser)

That sux… Alright I got another problem for ya. :slight_smile: I have an animation, a Movie Clip that I want to use as a GIF. I can get it out of flash in GIF format… but it won’t be animated. So what am I doing wrong?

Did you try going to File/<B>Export Movie</B> and selecting <B>Animated GIF</B> from the file type drop down box?

Uh, hold on lemme try that… I clicked export image…

Ok, I got mine to work.

THIS IS HOW I DID IT (there may be other ways)
Do your animation on the main timeline (not in a movie clip).
Go to File/Publish settings and select the Formats tab.
Check the GIF Image (.gif) setting. This will open up the GIF tab.
Select the GIF tab and select the radio button for “Animated”. Then publish and voila, you have your animated gif.

It worked for me.

Bingo. That worked perfectly. Thankies. I hate that background that makes the image looked pasted on the alternate column colours but it’ll do.

Well I believe you can select Transparent on the gif tag to make the background transparent. Giving you what is known as a Transparent Gif. Which is compatible in any Browser:)

That made it look crappy. Lol. I just selected alpha instead. if I got the trial version of MX, could I make the dynamic MP3 player with that? I found one online, but it only supports IE. Oh yeah, I’m on angelfire (as you already know lol) but I found a place to use PHP scripts (Spaceports) and CGI, so I found a PHP script for loggin in. Do you know PHP or CGI communicates with flash or will I have to look that up?

You will have to look that up because I am not sure exactly how it works. If it has to write to a .txt file or something then you would need to have to change the viewer permissions (CHMOD). But I will let you figure that out when you read up on it.

Alright. What about the mp3 player? Do you know if I could create that on an MX trial version? Or if there’s tutorial on it to try…

I don’t know of a tutorial on it, but I honestly didn’t look around much for it.

I don’t know what the trial of the program is like. I know a lot of trial programs don’t allow you to save. I am sure Macromedia will let you save though. I think I remember someone posting on this forum about their trial about to run out and they had to finish a project.

I did find this though. It is an example of using the sound object in Flash MX. It is very long, but very informative. You might be able to use it to help you.
