Just to display it back to them. Either or works fine. I will display that and the members current profile (if any) when they sign in.
Woo Hoo, this gives me a chance to show off my extremely basic string skills in Flash. I think it is strings, it has some stuff to do with it.
I am going to write it in Flash because a Javascript version of it will just be a pain in the arse.
Just give me a few minutes and I will post a .zip file or write a quick tutorial.
Thank you. Something else for me to learn.
I just looked up on Macromedia.com because I wasn’t sure. But the system capabilties function is only for MX!!!
I didn’t think they changed AS THAT much from 5, but I rarely used 5 so I guess I just didn’t realize that it is really different.
Now I feel like a complete Jackass for wasting your time.
Well it is a complete pain to explain it in javascript. It would take me ages with the way I explain things. You can try stuff like…
I am incredibly sorry for wasting your time, but I really thought that the system thing worked with 5 too. I am glad I checked though, it would have been incredibly unfortunate to think it did and still try to troubleshoot it will you. Besides, it didn’t support getting IP address and browser types. Just OS info, Flash plugin info, audio/video plugin info and monitor info.
Well if MX is that much better than 5, then I need to upgrade! Lol. Err… I don’t have the money for it right now though. ::shrugs:: Thanks for helping
If you ask me I think it worth the upgrade:)
Hmm… alright lemme throw another question at ya if you don’t mind. For one, how can I let people sign in with username/password from flash? Second, let’s say when they sign in via a different movie, how can I use that to change the control bar(a diff movie) to show their corresponding controls?
Combining Flash with PHP is the only way I would think you can do it. I don’t know much about combining them so I can’t help you there.
If you know PHP then it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Just set up a log in script and have your “Sign In” button access your PHP file and then have your PHP file return a variable to Flash.
I believe Flash retrieves variables through loadVariablesNum() or something like that. I think this is the basic layout of the plan.
If you don’t know PHP, then I guess we are in the same boat. I know very little PHP, but I am still learning.
Alright… I’d better learn a bit more of PHP then… lol. The bad part is my host doesn’t support it. So… err… :-/
Well PHP is the new form of CGI.
And I believe both Flash 5 and Flash MX work with CGI as well as PHP. I know less CGI than I do PHP though.
Lol. Looks like I’ve got alot of learning ahead of me then. I have to balance that and the fact that I’m studying to be a Network Technician and pass the CCNA certification as well…
OOOO, CCNA. I passed all 4 semesters of the Cisco Networking course and am currently re-studying to take the CCNA exam myself.
My friend and I were the only 2 students to pass all 4 semesters of the Cisco Networking course before the course was over. I am actually fully prepared to take the test now, but I would rather keep studying and be doubly prepared.
Ok back on subject here, I am not fully sure how Flash and CGI work together. I know you can use CGI contact forms and stuff, but I am not sure if you can use CGI to pass variables into Flash. As I said, I know more PHP than I do CGI.
I’m only in the first semester, but we’ve had half the class dropout in just the first two weeks. By the end of the entire thing we’ll probably only have a few left.
Well, I don’t know much of CGI or PHP, never had the need to learn. I wanted to learn PHP badly at one time, but I never had a host who was compatible with it, though I could make my own computer be compatible with it. I’m not sure what to do, maybe I should scrap my ideas lol. In the building of my community however, I wanted to have an area where a user could sign in and the control panel would give them special controls or lead to other web pages others couldn’t get to. Like I said, maybe I should scrap the idea and concentrate on getting the rest of the page done and the IRC Server up, but I would like to get it done, and learn what I can in the process, but, as usual, I beleive I’m rushing ahead of my skill level. A bad habit of mine lol.
Boy do I know that habit. It is a killer indeed.
Just be sure that you don’t get so far ahead of yourself that you forget to learn the more simple things. The simple things are used more often than the advanced in anything, so learn them first.
Again I am sorry to not be able to help you:(
S’alright, I’m glad I could get the help I did. I’ll figure something out one way or another. Thanks for the advice though. Hmm… Mind if I add the AIM S/N in your profile to my list?
Sure, you can add my Screen Name.
I am not on it that much, but when I am you can feel free to IM me.
Thanks. Well you’re not on now anywayz Lol I know this has naught to do with flash 5, but, uh, would you have any suggestions on how to gather and keep members in a community? I’ve only seen one community be very successful at that, and that is GameWinners.com, which has grown very very much in the past year. I’m not sure what attracts members to visit and then stay however. I’m figuring out some of it, I think…
There are numerous ways. You can submit your site to search engines, you can have friends and family spread the word to people they talk to online. You can join a banner exchange where you place a random banner script on your pages and they will include your banner in their list. This means that whoever is in this exchange has a chance of displaying your ad.
You can also visit sites of the same theme and have them link to you in exchange for you including a link to them. Not all sites allow this, but it is worth a try. If you have any friends definitely do that with them.
I think that is all I can think of for now. You can even add a link to it in your Signature to people on this forum can visit and you will possibly get more visits/joins.
Yeah, sorry I am not on now, I am on a cable modem which is fortunate because my AIM has been acting up a bit lately.
Thanks. I was more or less focusing on giving members a reason to come back, a place they can crash on the web instead of just mindly surfing, a place they can come back to and commune. I had forgotten that first I have to go get members lol. I have some, and those are ones who have been loyal to the community since I’ve been building it, helping out where they can. I don’t want to spread the link out now though, cuz I’m revamping the site and right now if anyone went in it’d be a mess of broken links and criss-crossed webpages and such. Ah, anyways I’d better get back to work on the site, I’m not sure if I’ll have an “Internet Recession” soon or not… There’s a few times I’ve been unable to get online for a few months at a time. I hate it when that happens. :-/
Well being as people come back over and over usually because the site has something they like. To keep people coming to your site you have to update often and give them a reason to come back. Usually forums are the best bet for returning visitors. Since your host supports nothing you can use http://www.ezboard.com/ , kirupas first forum was hosted on that. Last time I checked it was a free service.
Hmm, so updated frequently, forums, what else is there. What is the subject of your site? This might help me think of something.
PS: In order for forums to be affective you must have alot of people visiting first, otherwise people won’t want to sign up for a forum that only has 8 members or something.