Embedding Fonts


Im trying to embed a PIXEL font so that everyone that view the site can see that font, but my tries have not yet succeeded…

Anyone know step by step how to make sure every can see the font, wether or not they have that font themself??

I tried adding the font to library, then link it to the text field… It works great aslong as I have the font in windows, as soon as I remove it to test it, then it messes up…


Did you try the properties panel? Theres a character button on there where you can embed your fonts.

you don’t need to embed them if they are static text fields, but if they are dynamic/input you can go to the properties panel and click the characters button, and check the second option and then select the characters you want embedded.

So click character…
Choose the “lowercase” option??

Don’t that just leave text to be in lowercase?? and no numbers??

I need numbers and text… Or am I missing something??

what he means is, choose the ‘specify ranges’ button, and then go ahead and include the characters you need.:wink:


Got it… Just highlighted all the ones I need… NOW one more question, well maybe more after…

I have to do that for each dynamic text field right?? and does that affect the size of the file. Let’s say I have 10 dynamic text fields and I add the character option to all of them, would that increase the size more than if only one text field??

Actually 3 questions LOL…

TextArea don’t have the character options what would be a way to embed the font there.

Finally can you share the embedded font with other swf files, so each swf file don’t have to have the embedded font??

Thanx All

MAN… replied too fast… Did the character option on one of the dynamic text field, did nothing… I removed the font from my system, then viewed the flash and everyone of the text fields was using a lame default font… More diffecult than I first assumed to embed fonts…