Embedding hell

can someone help…

I’m trying to embed a font but having no luck, can someone explain in full how to embed…

I’m typing a line of text as dynamic, highlighting and in “character” clicking all characters…yets when uploading it people only see times new roman.

I can’t believe I’m the first to embed with everyone out there!!

any advice or help


I embed all the time. What I do is I created my textbox, and instead of selecting the text, I just use the select tool to select my text box (so it has the blur border) then I open the properties panel, click on the character button and choose to embed all characters.

But do you do it for every sentence… every word you write…or do you do it just the once…

Isn’t there someway that you can just embed the font into flash and thats it…there…stored ready to go??

Seems a bit strange that there isn’t a way to to that?

so I suppose the question is do you have to use dynamic text for everythig if you want to embed…and not just the once?



Well if you click on the textbox and choose to embed all characters, it will embed all characters available for that font, not just the ones used in the textbox.

It pretty much embeds the font in flash for use in the file if the user doesn’t have the font installed.